Inclusive Education
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B.A. Inclusive Education

The B.A. study programme prepares and qualifies graduates for working successfully with persons with disabilities of all ages as well as with disadvantaged people. Students acquire profound theoretical knowledge of in special needs education and inclusive education, and learn how to apply relevant concepts and analytical methods in order to assess and improve conditions of professional practice. Students also acquire extensive practical skills regarding diagnostics and therapy rounded off by basic knowledge of medicine, psychology, didactics and education, philosophy/ethics, law/administration, and organisation. The programme introduces students to methods of scientific and academic working (e.g. researching literature, qualitative and quantitative methods) as well as to counselling and project management and hence qualifies them for conducting (research) projects in the field of inclusive and special education.

In addition to basic modules, students might choose modules of specialization which introduce major domains of special needs education such as: working with disabled children and youths; working with adults in the field of inclusion; animal assisted therapy and game-based methods; psychomotor skills and methods; inclusive and special needs education for persons with psycho-social impairments.

Official Duration of Programme (Standard Period of Study): 3 years / 180 ECTS (full time)

Approximately 50 students will be permitted per semester.


Academic and Scientific Basics:

Introduction to disability studies, Introduction to social science and social policy, Inclusion, Introduction to pedagogy, Introduction to ethics, anthropology and theology, Introduction to academic and scientific approaches, Law and organization, Introduction to psychology, Introduction to medicine, Introduction to project management, Introduction to counselling

Methodical Basics:

  • Good practice
  • Diagnostics
  • Support and interventions utilizing games, animals, body and movement
  • Education and parenting
  • Counselling and direct work
  • Theory-based professionalism in practice fields

Fields and conditions of practice:

  • Parenting, support, education and inclusion for young disabled people
  • Facilitating inclusion for disabled people of every age
  • Animal assisted and game based interventions
  • Disabled people’s services for people with mental health problems
  • Bachelor thesis