Nursing Science (B.A.)
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B.A. Nursing Science

Taking into account that we are currently living in an aging society with increased rates of morbidity and care needs this course enables interested students to study the design of new approaches to health care. The course aims to find ways to improve the current constitution of the health care system and to further interdisciplinary collaborations.

Theintegrated approach within the course is based on a completed vocational training as a professional nurse/carer or midwife. Besides from knowledge in nursing-related fields of science (health sciences, sociology, psychology, social law, social policies), the course covers the topics of basic and advanced nursing theory. The students will also obtain a thorough understanding of relevant fields in leadership management – such as social management, organisation and personnel (quality) development. Ultimately, the students will develop skills for consulting processes in all fields of nursing and care (patients, voluntary and professional carers, organisations).

Official Duration of Programme (Standard Period of Study): 3 years / 180 ECTS (full time)

Approximately 30 students will be permitted per year.

Module blocks (21 modules)

  1. Academic and methodical foundations (3 modules)
  2. Care: Associated disciplines (3 modules)
  3. Foundation in care science (6 modules)
  4. Care management (5 modules)
  5. Consulting, counselling and education in care and nursing (4 modules)
  6. Practice project and thesis

Additionally, the contents and scope of this course of study will support the development of competences in the following fields:

  • conceptual thinking
  • social and communicative competences
  • self management
  • ethical, value-oriented practice
  • cooperation
  • applying research, evidence-based practice
  • reflective practice
  • intercultural competence
  • socio-political competence
  • the ability to transfer methods, results, concepts