Social Inclusion (M.A.)
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M.A. Social Inclusion: Health Care and Education

Graduates have scientifically-founded practice-oriented competences to analyse exclusion processes in society, especially concerning the fields of income, health, and education. This includes developing interdisciplinary concepts and strategies to overcome exclusion. Knowledge in the fields of social sciences, ethics, health sciences, and humanities combine with abilities in strategic development of projects and concepts. The graduates have carried out a research project in empirical practice in Social Inclusion, Health Care and Education. They will be capable of self-reflection, communication, team work and cooperation, and handling difference inventively.

Official Duration of Programme (Standard Period of Study): 2 years / 120 CP (ECTS) (full time)

Approximately 30 students will be admitted per year.


  1. Poverty, social inequality and inclusion in the fields of health and education
  2. Intersectional discrimination along the lines of gender, ethnicity, poverty and social inequality: Epistemological and ethical dimensions
  3. Exclusion, poverty and discrimination as issues within aesthetic practice and education
  4. Quantitative research: Theory and application within the issue-complex of discrimination, stigmatisation, social exclusion and inclusion
  5. Qualitative research: Theory and application within the issue-complex of discrimination, stigmatisation, social exclusion and inclusion
  6. Development and management of the inclusive project
  7. Intervention competence I: Coping strategies in relation to service users and institutional reform
  8. Intervention competence II: Inclusive concepts and practical projects implemented on the national, transnational and international level
  9. Intervention competence III: The legal and organisational framework and conditions of change within inclusive social work
  10. Supervision of MA thesis
  11. MA thesis and colloquium