Research Profile
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Research Profile

Research at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Rhineland Westphalia-Lippe are characterised by their practical orientation and interdisciplinarity. The EvH RWL uses a comprehensive concept of research that includes descriptive, normative, analytical, hermeneutic and critical-dialectical theoretical approaches as well as quantitative and qualitative empirical research. In addition, teaching and research at our university are always closely related.

The main focus of research activities at the EvH RWL covers a broad spectrum. They range from the areas of "social inclusion and support of people with disabilities" and "human rights issues" to "child, youth and family policy", "aging and care" and "religion, ethics and diaconia", as well as the research areas "poverty and social exclusion" and "education and interculturality in social work".

In addition, two "knowledge centres" have been established within the problem area "Diversity", in which the research and teaching activities of a topic spectrum are bundled: In the knowledge centre Disability Studies, disability is primarily understood as a social construct. At the same time, disabled people are not only seen as objects, but also as subjects of research. This is the aim of the In-Institute Bochum Centre for Disability Studies (BODYS). The knowledge center Diversity Studies networks research activities and interests in the fields of multiculturalism as well as integration, migration and refugee research.