Programme 2020
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International Study Programme - Spring Semester 2020

Due to the corona pandemic the International Study Programme had to be cancelled in summer semester 2020. International students are very welcome to apply now for summer semester 2021. For more details, please see

Discovering the World in Bochum: Social Work and Health Professions in the Context of Culture and Diversity

Welcome to Bochum! We are pleased to announce a semester-long programme of study in English, under the auspices of the Erasmus+ Programme, designed for students from our partner universities. The programme is organized and implemented in cooperation with the the “Hochschule für Gesundheit” (University of Applied Sciences; literally, the “University for Health”). It features seminars in both universities as well as courses taught by international scholars and practitioners from our partner universities worldwide.

The special focus examines our society’s changing nature given the challenge of recent migration and the social and health-related issues this raises.

23 March - 17 July, 2020 (including exams)

Attainable credits
ERASMUS+-students can earn up to 30 ECTS

The programme includes a blend of regular semester-long seminars and compact courses, classroom seminars and workshop-courses, visits to local and regional agencies and facilities working on related topics. Courses are interdisciplinary in approach, and allow intercultural insights from the perspectives of our universities as well as international experts from our partner universities worldwide.

The programme is designed for students of Social Work, Inclusion, Public Health, Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and interdisciplinary degree programmes in health and/or diversity and related areas.

Applicants must have completed one year of undergraduate study, have English language skills of CEFR level B1 or better, and a home university that partners with EvH RWL or hsg.

It is also possible to enroll in a 5-week Summer School. If you are interested, please get in contact with us.

How to apply
Please contact your home university to be nominated for the programme. After that, you should follow the application procedure of the receiving university with which you home university is twinned. 

Application deadline: 30 November, 2019

What participants say
“I liked the international aspect the most. The combination between different nationalities and cultures was a very rich learning environment for me” (Natalie, Netherlands, 2017)

“The visit to Bochum was so beneficial as it added a lot of knowledge to my working skills and I also learnt about other societies.” (Kevina, South Africa, 2017)

“The lecturers were competent, cared about the students’ ideas and helped us to improve ourselves. I was lucky to attend their classes. It was an important and unforgettable experience for me." (Kerim, Turkey, 2018)

“This course offered me new perspectives on diversity, health and disability. My main lesson: Do not judge others until you have been in their shoes.” (Nurafni, Indonesia, 2019)

“After spending four months in Bochum I am more committed to work for and with the community. My take home from this semester is that none is born disabled, rather the community makes people disabled.” (Gady, Ruanda, 2019)


Further information
Further information for incoming students.

International Study Programme 2019
International Study Programme 2018
International Study Programme 2017

Your contact persons
Karen Bossow and Monika Hörr
International Office
tel.: 0234-36901-215 and -142
fax: 0234-36901-100