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Dr. Shoma Berkemeyer, Methodology
This seminar focuses on concepts of prevention and programmes for prevention of various diseases in relation to life-stages, with policy implications and interventions. Lectures provide a springboard for further study, and seminar sessions provide an opportunity to hone academic and professional skills.
Weekly course of 4 hours at hsg, 6 CPs
Tuesday, 14:00 - 17:15 at hsg
Prof. Christiane Falge, Professor for Health and Diversity Studies
Dr. Fabian van Essen, Lecturer for Disability and Inclusion Studies
During this course, students will be introduced to theories and concepts of diversity in the context of healthcare. Methodologically, we approach diversity issues such as the diversities of migration, poverty, disability, care and sexual orientation by discussing relevant literature, offering intercultural training sessions, and participating in joint excursions to the life-worlds of the various diversity groups such as religious institutions (mosques, Hindu temples, etc.), disadvantaged neighbourhoods, disability workshops, or memory parks for people with dementia, etc.
Weekly course of 4 hours, 5 CPs
Thursday, 12:00 - 15:30 at hsg
Prof. Dr André Posenau, Professor of Communication in Nursing and Health Science Professions
The seminar aims at the theoretical and practical examination of the relationship between health professionals and clients. Sessions explore the relevant literature, as well as examining by means of simulated situations what a client-oriented approach means.
Weekly course of 4 hours, 6 CPs
Wednesday, 8:30 - 11:45 at hsg
Prof. Dr Mark S. Burrows, Professor of Historical Theology
Marlies Hendriks, Lecturer in Social Pedagogy and Supervision
This seminar involves site-visits, in the Ruhr Metropolitan Region, to various facilities and agencies involved with a variety of programs and approaches in Social Work, including counselling centers and agencies that work with children and youth, persons with addictions, the elderly, refugees, and so forth. A theoretical component will accompany these visits.
Meets bi-weekly, for four-hour blocks, 2 out of 6 CPs in the module 'Lifeworld-oriented areas of practise: Special social situations'
Starting 19 April 2017, Wednesday, 14:00 - 17:00 at EvH
Prof. Dr Roderich Kulbach, Professor emeritus for Social Management, Administration, and Organisation
Immigration is transforming Europe. The origins of this massive inflow date back to the middle of the twentieth century. The implications are remarkable because the cultures, languages, religions and racial backgrounds of the immigrants often differ starkly from those of the longest established residents. It is therefore important to ask how migration can be successful, especially in times of crisis.
Bi-weekly course, 3 out of 12 CPs in the module 'Field of Action: Intercultural and international Social Work'
Thursday, 08:30 - 10:00 at EvH
Prof. Dr Dietmar Sachser, Professor of Aesthetic Praxis
Experimenting with theatre technics using expressive masks, this course explores and shapes our abilities for gestural language. On this creative journey, we experiment with non-verbal forms of communication, emotions and ideas, which lead to storytelling and a dramatic performance as a piece of physical theatre.
Weekly course of 4 hours, 4 out of 6 CPs in the module 'Lifeworld-oriented areas of practise: Scecial social situations'
Tuesday, 09:00 - 12:00 at EvH
Student attendance is compulsory.
Prof. Dr Ernst-Ulrich Huster, Professor emeritus for Political Science
Germany is a prosperous country, but within it, there is widespread social polarisation between rich and poor. The ‘Ruhrgebiet’ has undergone structural and economic change from its old industries (e.g. mining, steel) to new service-orientated employment, with tough consequences for parts of the population, both old and young.
Compact course (two times Friday and Saturday), 2 out of 6 CPs in the module 'Lifeworld-oriented areas of practise: Special social situations'
5-6 May and 9-10 June 2017 at EvH
Prof Dr Thomas Greuel, Professor of Aesthetic Praxis
Dr Marichen van der Westhuizen, Lecturer in Social Work, Huguenot College, Wellington, South Africa
This seminar aims to give students knowledge, understanding and skills in the use of non-verbal communication techniques (e.g. music) to enable different cultural groups to develop an understanding of themselves and of others. The specific techniques and the process are aimed at assisting people in a multicultural context to develop intercultural awareness and tolerance. Students will be empowered to help individuals and groups develop a sense of belonging by creating a context where people from diverse backgrounds can experience a feeling of “being a community”.
Compact course (two times Friday and Saturday), 3 out of 12 CPs in the module 'Field of Action: Intercultural and international Social Work'
12-13 and 19-20 May 2017 at EvH
Prof. Dr Dr Sigrid Graumann, Professor of Biomedical Ethics
Prof. Dr Joseph Mbatia, Lecturer on Mental Health, Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University, Magamba, Tanzania
The goal of the CRPD (Convention for the rights of persons with disabilities) of 2006 is a paradigm shift from the medical model to a human rights model of disability. It is important to recognize that psychiatric patients are protected by the CRPD as persons with psycho-social disabilities. However, most countries do not keep up with this standard and psychiatric services need to undergo significant changes in order to comply with the CRPD. This is true for a rich county like Germany as well as for a poor country like Tanzania. Together with a group of students from SEKOMU (Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University)– physicians studying mental health – we will discuss how to offer adequate public mental health services, how to initiate and foster the change from substituted to supported decision making regimes that are in compliance with the CRPD and how to avoid compulsory institutionalization and treatment.
Compact course (visit of different mental health services plus one weekend), 3 out of 12 CPs in the module 'Field of Action: Intercultural and international Social Work'
Friday to Saturday, 30 June - 01 July 2017 at EvH
Prof Dr Brigitta Goldberg, Professor of Youth Services and Criminal Justice
Prof Dr Amy D’Andrade, Associate Professor of Social Work (San José State University, San José, CA [USA]
Child protection is important all over the world (140 nations have already ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child), but it has diverse meanings in different countries, social circumstances, histories and traditions. What is seen as constituting risk for children and being indispensible for their well-being therefore differs from country to country, as do provisions to protect them, prevention activities, intervention measures, and the rights of parents and children. We will focus on child protection in the USA (California) and Germany, on what is done for children’s well-being, and on the results of research projects.
Compact course (Thursday to Saturday), 3 out of 12 CPs in the module 'Field of Action: Intercultural and international Social Work'
Thursday to Saturday, 22-24 June 2017 plus two meetings before at EvH
Courses 1 - 3 take place at Hochschule für Gesundheit (hsg) and courses 4 - 10 at the Evangelische Hochschule (EvH).
** Courses 4, 6 and 7 at EvH are part of the module 'Lifeworld-oriented areas of practise: Special social situations'. For earning 6 CPs it is possible to combine course 4 and 6 or courses 4 and 7.
**** Courses 5, 8, 9 and 10 are part of the module 'Field of Action: Intercultural and international Social Work'. The total amount of 12 credits can be earned at the end of the semester after passing an exam for the whole module (portfolio). Normally you cannot take an exam for single courses only. Exceptions would need to be discussed.